Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No more stepping away...

Have you ever been stuck in a place for a while where you feel like nothing is growing or changing or anything? A place where life feels boring? I think that is where I have been lately.

There have been a few things that I have read, and a few conversations I have had with people that were exciting, but really it just seems like life has just become plain.

I struggle to be inspired.
I struggle to be challenged.
I struggle to inspire.
I struggle to challenge.

I really feel as if I have stepped away from my relationship with God.

God has always been my inspiration, God has always challenged me, but now I have stepped away from that.

It was not intentional, I did not plan on doing this, but here I am.

Now that I know where I am, I want to step back; I want to grow, be challeged and inspired, I want to challenge and inspire.

If I have one purpose for this next year it is to "fix my attention on God, and I'll be changed from the inside out." Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)


Ed said...

I think you are making this too hard. You cannot force your relationship with God, You can be open to what He has in store for you.