Thursday, March 26, 2009



Today we spent 30 minutes in silence in youth group. Fast from sounds to focus on God.
I have to say there is something about removing all inputs so we can truly focus on God.
For me, there was a sense of peace. Peace, that even if I am not running around trying to do all I can, God is still in control. There is just something about knowing God is God and I am not. There is a great and deep peace within that.
I need to remember this more often. I need to know taking time for me is OK.


Shahid said...

A key word you used there was "remember". That fast from sound is a wonderful thing isn't it. Muslims have a similar practice that is very widespread called "Dhikr", or "Remembrance" of God. Its a self meditation where you block out the sounds, thoughts and environment that are detrimental (or at least hindering) to your focus on God. I sometimes equate it to being Baptism.. kinda.